martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008


The problem that I decided to analyze is the drugs, especially in the young people. Each day more young people fall into this problem, throwing their lives, damage the illusion of a family and failing to contribute significantly into our society.
People said that the main blame is of there parents , becaise they didnt teach us values to their children, and leave them to do whatever they want without any control. Others say it is the fault of the school where he studied because the teachers did not talk about the dangers of drugs and didnt give a properly good instruct.
Another point of view is that the fault is of the government as it does not take the necessary steps to eradicate this problem and does not give a good help to the poorest sectors of our society.
One solution I see is that the parents began to educate their children and talk about this big pobrem, that is the drugs, also that the colleges educational generate campaigns to have more arguments and not fall into drug addiction.
Finally that the government pay more attention to the less advantaged sectors, to support these campaigns and follow up any more for the people so that together we can overcome this problem and have a better society.
By Diego Blanco Mantilla - 200810877

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