martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008


It is located to 4 meters on the level of the sea in a beautiful water bay blue and calm. It is the capital of the department of the Magdalena, which limits the north with the Caribbean Sea, with the Department of Bolivar to the south, to the east with the departments of the Guajira and Cesar, with the departments of the Atlantic and Bolivar to the west. In its territory we found the Magdalena rivers, Foundation, Ariguaní and Aracataca, in addition the bogs Great to Santa Marta, Pajaral, Chilloa and Zapatosa. Excellent hotels, tens of hidden beaches, offer the tourist, white sand, a blue sky and a always calmed sea that contrasts with the impressive topography of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta.
Santa Marta is in my opinion one of the most important turistic place in colombia.

She is famous by its natural surroundings, their prestigious celebrations of carnival, samba and another music, its tourist beaches full of hotels . Some points of interest aside from beaches are the giant statue of Jesus, well-known like the Redeeming Christ, located in the top of the hill of the Bent one; the tip Sugar Bread, with its cablewayworld.
Rio de janeiro is also an other important and beautifull turistic place.
by. diego blanco mantilla -200810877




Name: Héctor Fabio Garzón Campos

ID Number: 1018411490

Address: Carrera 4 Nº 5A- 70 interior 3

Telephone: 8638123 (residence)
3107856348 (mobile)


Date of birth : July 10th of 1987

Place of birth: Chia- cundinamarca, Colombia.

Status: single

· 2008 Universidad de la Sabana Bogotá Administración de Empresas cuarto semestre.
· 2007 – Universidad de la Sabana Bogotá Idioma extranjero, Inglés quinto nivel.
· 2004 - Colegio San Viator Bogotá Titulo de Bachiller.





TEL. 6767060


TEL 6080261 - 2182666





The problem that I decided to analyze is the drugs, especially in the young people. Each day more young people fall into this problem, throwing their lives, damage the illusion of a family and failing to contribute significantly into our society.
People said that the main blame is of there parents , becaise they didnt teach us values to their children, and leave them to do whatever they want without any control. Others say it is the fault of the school where he studied because the teachers did not talk about the dangers of drugs and didnt give a properly good instruct.
Another point of view is that the fault is of the government as it does not take the necessary steps to eradicate this problem and does not give a good help to the poorest sectors of our society.
One solution I see is that the parents began to educate their children and talk about this big pobrem, that is the drugs, also that the colleges educational generate campaigns to have more arguments and not fall into drug addiction.
Finally that the government pay more attention to the less advantaged sectors, to support these campaigns and follow up any more for the people so that together we can overcome this problem and have a better society.
By Diego Blanco Mantilla - 200810877
Lake Crossing

The lake crossing between the lake districts of Chile and Argentina is an all-season trip that thousands of visitors enjoy every year. It involves both road and lake crossings, with scenic vistas of Andean mountain peaks, waterfalls and wildlife.

The complete trip takes two days, with an overnight stay along the way. Tours include all the transport, the accommodations and most of the meals. The schedule may be affected by adverse weather, so it's best to leave your timing flexible. There is an optional one day crossing available from the tour companies mentioned in the resource pages for Puertp Montt or Bariloche.

The trip from Chile into Argentina begins with an 8 am departure by bus from Puerto Montt to Puerto Varas, called the city of flowers. Orient yourself with this map. The trip takes less than an hour.
Puerto Varas shows its German heritage in architecture, gardens and customs, and is worth a visit on its own, but you won't have time to enjoy the city and its attractions before you begin the next phase of the trip.


Riohacha, Rio Hacha or Rio de la Hacha (English: River of the Axe - Wayuu : Süchiimma), is a city and municipality in the northern Caribbean Region of Colombia by the mouth of the Rancheria River and the Caribbean Sea, capital city of the Department of La Guajira. Founded by Conqueror Nikolaus Federmann in 1535, Riohacha was named after a local legend "The legend of the Axe". The area is mostly desertic and inhabited by Amerindians , predominantly by members of the Wayuu ethnic group. During colonial times Riohacha was a very important port due to findings of vast amounts of pearls. In recent years the city became one of Colombia's medium importance maritime commercial ports as well as a multicultural center for the Department. It is mentioned several times in the novel One Hundrer Years of Solitude, and seven times in the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold, both written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

NAME: Angie Mora Muñoz

united states is ready for black president?

Being the president of the United States is not passenger, get this job has a great responsibility. Is to represent the entire American people, one of the powers countries today, is to be the man with more power in the world. Barack Obama could become the first black U.S. president.It is a incognit for many people if this country is really ready to accept a black president, in my opinion I think that not. Despite the fact that there is a great multiculturalism in this country, black neighborhoods and many people that have this color, with whom live every day, to accept a black president is not an easy matter, is a big leap and I think that Americans do not are ready to give.Immigrants and poor people do not have much power , those who decide are the really rich and I think this class is not ready to accept a black president.If immigrants have a great power posbiblemente United States would be ready to accept Barack Obama as their leader, but as previously said people who have the power is the most rich people , so I conclude that they are not ready to take this big leap in history.
By Diego Blanco Mantilla - 200810877

C.C: 1020748533
January 14 of 1990.
Adress: Cll 174#26- 7
Cell phone: 3108764694

Elementary school:Primary school, Middle school and High school in Gimnasio Moderno
Grad School: Social comunicaction and journalism. IV Semester. Universidad de la Sabana.
Profile:Fulfilled, responsible and dedicated. Interested in the values and humanistic formation, given to its work. Good human relations.

Persomnal References:
Adriana Salazar
Bombo sur studio
Family references:
Nelson Blanco
Electric engineer
By: Diego Blanco


English lenguange is a important lenguage in the world actually, because a lot of people around the world speak english, and many people try to comunicate talking in english, in my opinion the English lenguage is the mos important lenguage actually in all the world. and if you speak English you will have a lot of oportunities.

If you are a estudent and you speak English, maybe you will have a lot of oportunities in your student camp, for example maybe you will study in other country or you can find other oportunity in other country.

By the way if you working now, and you speak English you have advantages, for example you can talk with other people in other country and your bussines will be good or if your dream is find other job in other country and if you speak English maybe you can do it.

In conclusion the Englis lenguage is the good option if you want talk other lenguage, because if you are bilingual you will have more good oportunities in your work, in your estudy and in your personal live.
By Diego Blanco Mantilla - 200810877

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008


Coveñas is located in the northeast of Colombia, in Sucre. His temperature is around 28°C. In this place you can found a mud volcano named as El Tesoro, a lot of virgin beaches like San Bernando and a museum named El Calabazo.

Coveñas is 2 meters over the sea, his extension is 32032 acres. In this place you can do a lot of activities like play in the beaches or over the sea, you can enjoy the nature, go to different clubes, travel by boat and also has an sea aquarium.

Miami is located in the south of US, at the Atlantic coast of Florida. Is warm all the year and usually very hot during the summer months. Miami has beautiful beaches, and a lot of shopping centers, you can go to party every were because there is a lot of party on that city.

By Cristina Dorado


Globalization is an economic process that is important because it can change the history. This is the result between the human innovation and the technologic process. This process affects not only economic aspect but also affect social, politic and cultural aspects.

This is a historical process because that comes from Chistopher Columbus period. We saw some advances from these agreements. The first one was in 1494 between Spain and Portugal; with the agreement “Tordesillas”.

Actually, globalization gives to the countries a lot of opporunities to improve technology. In a lot of countries that have a global economy, we can fin that the poor population is less and his quality of life is better than the other countries that do not have a global economy.

Globalization opens markets in which we can find more options and have more money in the country and have technology of the more advance countries. Also the imports will become cheaper and the country will increase exports because the taxes will be reduced. All that generate good competition and fabrics needed to produce things with an excellent quality. But if they do not adapt the change, companies can die and employees will be without work, as a consequence there will be more poor people.

In conclusion I think globalization is good because makes progress in the countries and in the companies but it needs strong political and economical structure to give the country a lo of benefits. Organizations like FMI help the countries to improve new economic policies.
Hector Fabio Garzón Campos
Code: 200815810


This film is about of an amazing girl. Reese Witherspoon as Ellie woods the main character, this person in the beginning is a stupid girl and she thought that the clothes, make up, fashion life and new tendencies are a goal. This beautiful girl could to show a huge transformation, because she graduated in Harvard University and she is the best lawyer of her class, however, she never lost the style.

The story begin in the L.A. in here Ellie woods live and her life is wonderful and perfect, because she is around to many luxuries and she has the most handsome boyfriend of the world; but all story change when her boyfriend broke her heart and finished the relationship. She consider to change her life and she search other options and goals for her life, so she decides study in the law school; her begin in the college are very nice, all people in the college called “Barbie” because her clothes and this car are very stronger as the things of the Barbie toy.

This movie can to show many things about the different attitudes of the person, many situations that are very hard for our life. Its turn out very important for everybody because the people can identify with this girl, as a different person but with many quality or characteristic very special.

I recommended this film, firstly, because is a good movie for the teenagers people and I consider that the main character of this movie give a lesson of live. This film can teach how we should to live the life, and is very important lost the scare for something to find the happiness.
Hector Fabio Garzón Campos
Code: 200615810

One of the most awaited cities for going on vacations in the United States is Miami that is located in the Florida state. In this city there are a great variety of activities for spending time with relatives or friends.

In the Colombian country there is a very nice city for going on vacations, it is Cartagena that counts with a big number of visitants since it is known as a very antique city.

Miami is bigger than Cartagena, since Miami is a very big city thanks to the great number of neighborhoods it has. It is also near other cities such as Orlando where many families go and enjoy the different kind of amusement activities and appreciate each show presented in that place.

The two cities count with two gorgeous and very clean beaches where tourists are very comfortable. Cartagena has a harbor where very containers arrive for the national and international trade. Talking about arts, in both places many movies have been done, what make these cities very interesting for the visitants and attracting too.

Finally it can be concluded that as Cartagena as Miami have been very prominent because their participation in tourism, since they are warm and cozy. One is a little bit smaller tha the other but they recognized for tourists. What really makes difference is to be in a different place in order to get out of the monotony.

Hector Fabio Garzón Campos

Code: 200615810


Colombia is one of the most beautiful countries that exist in the world, but the structure of England make of her a very interesting and at the same time an important country too. The schedule that England has differs in 5 hours to the Colombian one thanks to the distance between them. During the summer season, it differs in 6 hours till the beginning of the winter season. In Colombia it is different; the hour never changes since seasons are not present.

England is bigger than Colombia and exist many touristic places towards tourist. In this country the most important stores of the world are found such as Harrods, where it can be found a great variety of clothes and house stuff. However, on the other hand many people use the great talents that may be found in our country, by means of designers and fashion that makes of this country a very interesting place.

Nowadays England counts with a big number of interchange programs to do masters or English courses offered to students from different countries, being Colombia one of the countries with more reception sending enough students for those programs, offering housing and work apart from the studies to accomplish.
Hector Fabio Garzón Campos
Code: 200615810
One of the main problems that we can find into our Colombian community is the violence inside families. In so many opportunities it has been seen violence among adults, teenagers and children, what is very worrying in a general sense, since it marks a trace which many young people is beginning to follow.

The violence inside families is basically a violation of the fundamental rights and of the people dignity. It is a serious social problem that affects mainly to women, children, disable and old people.

There are too many ways of violence inside families. It can be thought in violence against old people, between couples, against children, women, men, and disable people. Violence could be physical or psychological, and happens among all the social strata, cultures, ages, and in most of the cases it is from an adult against one or more people.

Besides it has to be considered the emotional damage, and the shot-term and long-term effects that mistreatment provokes. Also it is worth to consider that many parents think as just the punishments given to their children, or may be justify the punishment act in any way (poverty, nerves, etc.). It is also important to quote that most of the adults who hit their children manifest and perceive that they have hit them less occasions that they really do.

Finally it is the time, that the whole world community, be conscious at this respect and do not follow mistreating people since each of us have the same life rights, and we are people who have to be in total freedom in order to accomplish our short-term or long-term life project.
Hector Fabio Garzón Campos
Code: 200615810

Obama, a good option?

Barack Hussein Obama is a president candidate for United States of America as well as Mc Cain. Obama is the first black candidate of the Democratic Party. Obama have a lot of money for his campaign. Obama’s campaign is stronger than Mc Cain’s, He spend 400 million over the campaign of Mc Cain’s. He was the United Stated Senator from Illinois in 1997 to 2004.

Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on the fourth of August 1961; his family was Middle American and Kenyan. His father died in a car accident when he was 19 years old. Then he lives with his mother in New York and finishes his studies in the Chicago University and after his graduation he does a post grate in Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review.

Mc Cain is the candidate for Republican Party and is older than Obama, he is 72 years old and Obama is 47 years old, because that and the long carrier of the political job of Mc Cain, he has more experience than Obama.

In conclusion I think that Obama is a good option for his country because is young and have good ideas and worries about social things but he don’t have the best international relations. If Obama wins the elections will become the first black president and this fact is the result of the end of the racism in the U.S.

By Cristina Dorado


The presidential elections in the United States of America have been a controversial topic lately. Those elections, that will take place on November 4th, each party participants will have the opportunity of elect the most convenient representative for the well-fare of the country.

Inside the United States we can find two different parties, which are known as the Democrats and the Republicans. For the Democrat party the candidate Barac Obama, who has had a favorable reception and support from the citizens in spite of his skin color known by the whole world, is leading.

His skin color has not been so relevant for most of the American people since there is a great sense of admiration for his dedication and fight for winning the elections of the country. That is why it can be asserted that this country is prepared to have a “black” president owe to the percentage of people support.

On the other hand it can be said that the United States is a multi-racial country, and black people are able to be found, and besides it would not be strange to have a “black” president, a symbol for too many people in the country.

Finally, it is known that it is more important the given fight and the proposals for a better government than the skin color, since the country has shown a great maturity dealing with that topic and a great support for this candidate, who might be the next president of the United States.
Hector Fabio Garzón Campos
Code: 200615810

Problem Solving Essay

Do you want this world for you descendants?

Nowadays, the problems that affected the environment, specially the atmosphere are very much and people don’t are making nothing for that these problems don’t affected your life. These problems require serious action from people and the big industries.

The use of spray chemical pesticides in cultivations is contaminating our food, and mainly the environment, because the use of sprays causes some effects in the deterioration of our atmosphere. The smoke from factories is one of the main things that pollute the environment. Also the intensive deforestation is responsible for the atmosphere can’t recover all oxygen that is necessary in our life.

Exist several things that can be done about these problems. The government should prohibit to the big industries the production of sprays, for that these companies search new ways to sell the products. The Environment’s organizations must have care with all things about this topic, because the contamination of the environment is inducing to global warming that is a problem more important in the human life.

In conclusion, we can say that for recover a few our atmosphere is necessary take conscience about problems of this, and we must help to preserve the nature, because we are the main affected.

Angie Mora Muñoz
Julian David Ballen Cardona

Petra is an archaeological site in the Arabah, Ma'an Governorate, Jordan, lying on the slope of Mount Hor in a basin among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Arabah (Wadi Araba), the large valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Agaba. It is renowned for its rock-cut architecture. Petra is also one of the new wonders of the world.The site remained unknown to the Western world until 1812, when it was discovered by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwing Burckhardt. It was famously described as "a rose-red city half as old as time" in a Newdigate prize-winning sonnet by John William Burgon. UNESCO has described it as "one of the most precious cultural properties of man's cultural heritage." In 1985, Petra was designated a World Heritage Site.


Gorgona is a Colombian island in the Pacific Ocean situated about 50 km off the Colombian Pacific coast and part of the municipality of Guapi in the Department of Cauca. The island is about 9 km long (5.6 mi) and 2.5 km (1.6 mi) wide, with a maximum height of 338 m (1,110 ft); with an area of 10 square miles (26 km²). It is surrounded by numerous smaller stacks and keys. Gorgona is separated from the continent by a 270 meter (885 ft) deep underwater depression. The island functioned as a prison (similar to Alcatraz Island) until 1985 when it was turned into a National Natural Reservation Park noted for a large number of endemic species resulting from its isolation from the American continent.

Before America was discovered, Gorgona was first inhabited, by people possibly associated with the Tumaco, Tolita culture. The indigenous Kuna or Cuna of Urabá (Colombia) and San Blas (Panama), have the tradition of being the first settlers of the island. They left archeological remains that are at least 3300 years old. Spanish explorers first visited Gorgona in 1527 when Francisco Pizarro, in his third expedition to Peru, discovered the island. Pizarro and thirteen of his men remained for seven months in Gorgona waiting for the arrival of provisions.In the period after the Spanish Conquest, the Cacique Yundigua, lived in the island. He probably was a member of the indigenous group Sindagua, a tribe that lived between Nariño and Cauca.

NAME: Julian David Ballen Cardona


Nowadays the world has evolutionated, the humanity has grown up, and became more tolerant and open-mind. Many years ago, people used to segregate other ones for empty reasons, one of them was the skin color; black people didnt have any value, and were treated as inferior and were subestimated, but actually that situation has changed, and the best example of it is the presidential candidate of United States, Barack Obama.

Barack Obama have a lot of fans that support him on his candidature, whtasmore, probably he is gonna be the next United States president, and I really think he deserves it, not only because he is a extremely capabable man, also because he is gonna teach a great lesson to one of the most racist country in the world about tolerance. So I think United States is ready for a black president, and also Obama is the one for teach this leasson.

If Barack wins, he will be the best proof that the skin´s color doesn´t matter at all, what matters is the intellect and the desire for success. Those who used to think that black people was inferior were wrong.

I hope Obama can demostrated them that he deserves an oportunity, not only for been one of those american black people that used to be segregated, also for been a great person with a huge knowledge and with a lot of plans for getting out USA off their actual crisis.

Julian David Ballen Cardona
Angie Mora Muñoz