miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008


The hunger in this days is being a menace for thousands millions of people. Experts, paid the obligation of laws form the government to apply programs of alimentary security around the critic areas of malnutrition.

Most of children that has malnutrition do so because economic problems. The rise of agricultural prices is one of the causes for people that don’t have enough money to buy food for their families. This situation are developed with the unemployed were the poverty prevails over the Asiatic population. The high demand of Asiatic country, the speculation, and the rise of petroleum are also causes for the high level of hunger in the world.

The director of the organization FAO, Oliver Longue, said that the total cost for trade with the 19 millions of children that suffer of malnutrition, is about 3.000 millions of Euros. This problem requires a solution that only depends in the political determinations about the issue. FAO is the principal organization that is leading the solutions for malnutrition in the world: they plan not to reduce the hungry at the half, they plan to finish with the malnutrition from the root. Argentina, Brasil, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Venezuela, are the five South American countries that are supporting the right of feeding of every citizen, and they are pushing the government to establish low prices in food for easy acquisition.

In conclusion, there are several things to consider about the malnutrition and the hunger in the world. The government is the principal mediator to lead all propositions turn in reality. FAO, and the five South American Countries, will continue to support the programs of alimentary security and lead all action to solve this problem, plus donations of any person because remember “a child with hungry can go to school, but he will not learn”
By Cristina Dorado Jiménez.
Diego Fernando Vargas Novoa.



I’m going to describe a memory technique call the jenny method it combines the link system and pack method in the way makes very powerful tool for remembering a long list or quite complex information.

The key to the jenny method is to think in route you know very well it could be your route of work or relative house. Then you need to think in important places the land marks of this route examples of line marks are doors, traffics lights, buildings etc.
At this stage is a good idea to write the line marks down in a peace of paper in order that care in a rood this make short and you have you land mark very clear in your head, now you are ready to remember your first list. Will start with a simple example you are use supermarket is the jenny and you have to remember shopping list the first tree ithems on your list are coffee, milk and tomatoes, the first tree line marks in your jenny are front door, your garden and your car. You visualize drinking a coup of coffee as you open your front door you go outside and see has been raining milk and are is a big poodle of milk in your garden then your get car and you garden is cover with tomatoes you continuous this way make ich is image is possibility.

One most you founded jenny flexi memory too must this methot use the direction flexi memory long information and for short list you can just use part of your route.

NOTE: I made this exercise to improve vocabulary and to practice listening and the listenig you can found in Studium.

By Cristina Dorado 200721125

martes, 21 de octubre de 2008


Globalization is an economic process that is important because it can change the history. This is the result between the human innovation and the technologic process. This process affects not only economic aspect but also affect social, politic and cultural aspects.

This is a historical process because that comes from Christopher Columbus´ period. We saw some advances from these agreements. The first one was in 1494 between Spain and Portugal; with the agreement “Tordesillas”.

Actually, globalization gives to the countries a lot of opportunities to of opportunities to improve technology. In a lot of countries that have a global economy, we can find that the poor population is less and his quality of life is better than the other countries that do not have a global economy.

Globalization opens markets in which we can find more options and have more money in the country and have technology of the more advance countries. Also the imports will become cheaper and the country will increase exports because the taxes will be reduced. All that generate good competition and fabrics needed to produce things with an excellent quality. But if they do not adapt the change, companies can die and employees will be without work, as a consequence there will be more poor people.
In conclusion I think globalization is good because makes progress in the countries and in the companies but it needs strong political and economical structure to give the country a lot of benefits. Organizations like FMI help the countries to improve new economic policies.
By Cristina Dorado

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

Movie Review

The film is directed by RICHARD LaGRAVANESE, it is a love history, but it has a few of sadness too. The film tells the story of Hillary Swank and Gerard Butter, who would star a married couple.
The plot revolves around a love story of a couple, they have been having some problems with love, mainly because of Holly (Hillary Swank), but even so she loves him. The plot has an unexpected twist to it, when Jerry (Gerard Butter) dies because of a brain tumor. Holly reaches total depression, but a series of mysterious letters help Holly to that she can exit again.
It was rather an unbelievable stoy, because she managed to recover to this love, and found someone special, with whom she could form a new couple, and she could be happy again.
I can thoroughly recommend it. This film will change your thought about life, and especially of love. Because sometimes we just need a little change of plans or thoughts to star ti be happy and enjoy life in a better way.
NAME: Angie Mora Muñoz
CODE: 200811161

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008




This Book it’s one of my favorite book in the world, was writer by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, he is a Prime Nobel, and right now is consider the must important writer in the Spanish language. I stared to read this book in 2005 but since this time I has been the opportunity to read this book in 2 times more; for me is amazing the imagination that he used for describe the city, the people, the feelings and the story, is very warm the way to he write.

Main Body

The main female character in the novel, Fermina Daza, is the strong axis around which the story revolves. Fermina easily rejects Florentino Ariza in their youth when she realizes the naïveté of their first romance, and she weds Juvenal Urbino at the age of 21, the "deadline" she had set for herself, ultimately because he seemed to be able to offer security and love to her. Urbino is a physician devoted to science, modernity, and "order and progress." He is committed to the eradication of cholera and to the promotion of public works. He is a rational man whose life is organized precisely and who values his importance and reputation in society to the utmost. Urbino is a herald of progress and modernization.

His function in the novel is to provide the counterpoint to Ariza’s archaic, romantic style. He proved to be a faithful husband, save for one small affair late in their marriage, though the novel suggests that his love for her was never as spiritually chaste as Ariza's was. By the end of the book, Fermina has recognized a change in Ariza and their love is allowed to blossom once more in their old age. For most of the novel, their communication is limited to correspondence by letter; not until the end of the book do Fermina and Florentino converse at length.


For me it’s the best book of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I have been read others titles like: “LA Mala Hora”, “Doce Cuentos Perefrinos”, “El Coronel en su Laberinto” and the Nobel’s Prime: “Cien años de Soledad”. But I think that this book it’s easy to read, the story its attractive and the writer use normal vocabulary and linguistics ways.



Carrera 13 # 140-55 int. 4
Teléfonos: 6145723 - 311 2317529
Santa Fe de Bogotá


Destreza en el área comercial y de mercadeo, tengo conocimientos sobre Administración, Contabilidad, Administración de personal. Mi meta es trabajar en equipo de acuerdo con los objetivos de la empresa para obtener siempre los mejores resultados.


Administración de Empresas. Universidad de la Sabana. 2005 - Actualidad
Work and Travel Program, Wise Foundation, Summer 2007
Bachiller Colegio San Viator, Bogota 1996 – 2004


Empleado Destacado dentro del grupo de estudiantes, Williamsburg Virginia 2007 – Wise Fundation



5800 Wessex HundredWilliamsburg, Virginia 23185
Cargo: Asistente Producción
Tiempo: Laborado: Mayo 30 de 2007 – Septiembre 2007
Jefe Inmediato: Patrick Duffeler - Manager Williamsburg Winery
Teléfono: 757-229-0911 Williamsburg, Virginia
- Producción, recolección y distribución del producto dentro del Williamsburg Winery.
- Atención directa a los clientes de Gabriel Archer’s Tavern.


5810 Wessex HundredWilliamsburg, Virginia 23185
Cargo: Asistente Externo
Tiempo: Laborado: Julio 6 de 2007 a Septiembre de 2007
Referencia: Cindy Fitz - Manager Wedmore Place
Teléfono: 1-866-Wedmore Williamsburg, Virginia
- Colaborar con todos los servicios de atención y hospitalidad a los clientes de Wedmore Place
- Distribución de Productos e insumos a las diferentes áreas del hotel.
- Recepción de visitantes y atención al público.


Patrick Duffeler
Owner Williamsburg Winery

Cindy Fitz
Manager Wedmore Place


Luís Enrique Rojas Matirnez
Catedrático Universitario
Universidad Pedagógica Facultad de Bellas Artes
Teléfono: 2711711

Doris Losada Salinas
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Telefono: 5941894 ext 176

Maribel Amado Zamudio
Asesora Comercial CusezarTelefono: 2872645
NAME: Julian David Ballen Cardona

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

Opinion Essay


The means of communication are very important for society right now. These are useful in this moment because these give us more possibilities to communicate in better way.

To begin with, we know that nowadays the means of communication represent an essential part in life. Internet is the means of communication more used to people, since the allowed us, have access to information all world more easily and faster.

Apart from this, Internet neither belongs to nor is controlled by any person, then, people have the opportunity to create some things for others persons to see and enjoy.

On the other hand is well known that the internet has an irrational content of information, which represents the negative part of this important means of communication. For example, pornography, evil sects, and impostors are the most irrational or even the bad contents find on internet. The most vulnerable audience are specially the young people because they are submerged in an ocean full of information, where there is no respect and limits.

All things considered, we thought that internet is an excellent tool for learning, playing and communicating with other people. Although, it is important to know how to control this information and have an appropriate use of it .
NAMES: Angie Mora Muñoz
Julian David Ballen Cardona